AOD-9604 Dosage Chart: Benefits, Risks, and Recommendations

Healthcare professional administering an abdominal injection wearing blue gloves.

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[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Before starting any peptide therapy, consult a medical professional to discuss the dosage, duration, and mode of peptide administration.]

Shedding extra pounds is a dream of many. But do you find it hard to lose stubborn fat even after trying everything?

If so, AOD-9604 could be your fat-burning partner. It will turn your seemingly impossible weight loss dream into a reality without any surgical cutting or zero-calorie diets.

In this article, you will discover what AOD-9604 is, how it works, and what are its benefits. Additionally, you will see the AOD-9604 dosage chart and determine how to calculate the dose with and without using the AOD-9604 dosing calculator.

Fun fact: AOD 9604 recently gained the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration due to its excellent safety profile in humans.

What is AOD-9604? Does AOD-9604 Work?

A majority of Americans have been facing high obesity issues for decades. According to recent statistics, more than 35% of adults in 23 U.S. states are obese.

Human growth hormone (hGH) is known for its weight loss potential. However, it also has certain side effects. 

To counter them, in the 1990s, researchers discovered a lipolytic fragment using the 10% part of hGH and excluded the rest of the side effect-causing part of hGH. This lipolytic peptide fragment was named AOD-9604.

The primary goal of AOD-9604 is fat metabolism. Like hGH and other growth hormones, it stimulates the pituitary gland to accelerate metabolic rate and speed up weight loss without raising blood sugar levels.

Note: AOD-9604 is considered a performance-enhancing drug. So, avoid AOD-9604 intake if you’re part of a competitive sport, as its metabolites can be easily detected in the urine.

A woman standing in front of a mirror examining her abdomen with a thoughtful expression.

AOD-9604 Benefits

AOD-9604 shows a range of benefits, from fat loss to cartilage repair. 

Here’s what you can expect from AOD-9604:

Accelerates Weight loss 

Approximately six clinical investigations were performed on AOD-9604, involving 900 humans. Most of the experiments were conducted on obese yet healthy males, and the results were mostly positive.

According to a pre-clinical study published in Hormone Research journal, treating rats with 500 µg per kg body weight of AOD-9604 for 19 days decreased 50% of their extra gained weight. The peptide increased the lipolytic activity without showing any negative effects on the insulin sensitivity of the rats.

AOD-9604 regulates fat loss in two ways:

  • Stimulation of Lipolysis: AOD-9604 stimulates the breakdown of lipids and fats by hydrolyzing triglycerides (a type of body fat) into glycerol and fatty acids for utilization as energy.
  • Suppression of Lipogenesis: AOD-9604 suppresses the production of fats and triglycerides from non-fatty foods.

Repairs Cartilage in Osteoarthritis

Another major benefit of AOD-9604 is improving musculoskeletal health. It strengthens bones, repairs cartilage, and reduces joint wear and tear, particularly when paired with the BPC-157 peptide. That’s why AOD-9604 is considered among the best peptides for athletic performance.

According to a pre-clinical study published in Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science, AOD-9604 alleviated osteoarthritis in rabbits. AOD-9604 injections were observed to stimulate cartilage regeneration and decrease joint inflammation in animal subjects.

Therefore, it was speculated that AOD-9604 may alleviate the effects of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis on patients.

Close-up of feet standing on a vintage bathroom scale with a red checkered pattern.

Converts Fat Reserves into Vital Energy 

A pre-clinical study checked whether AOD-9604 works only by interacting with the lipolytic receptors (β3-ARs) present in fat cells to enhance the fat-burning process. In the research, AOD-9604 was injected into the mice for 14 days. 

It was observed that AOD-9604 reduced the fats and body weight in obese mice by increasing fat-burning receptors. In another experiment, fat-burning receptors were deactivated from the mice to stop their functioning. When AOD-9604 was provided to these mice, they still lost the fat.

It was observed that AOD-9604 burns fat by interacting with these receptors and also facilitates fat loss by utilizing fats as fuel for the body.

Reduces Cellulite from Hips, Abdomen, and Thighs

Some companies classified AOD-9604 as a cosmeceutical product because it dissolves stubborn fat and cellulite under the skin. Cellulite is a skin condition particularly visible on the hips, abdomen, and thighs. 

As fatty cells increase, they need more space than usual, so they start pushing on each other, giving the skin a lumpy “orange peel-like” texture. AOD-9604 can play a cosmeceutical role as it dissolves fat pockets and improves the texture of fatty skin.

Enhances Efficacy of Cancer Drug

AOD-9604 has been shown to improve the fighting tendency of doxorubicin, a chemotherapeutic drug. This peptide acted as a guide to deliver the anti-cancer drug to the target, cancerous breast tissues. Plus, AOD-9604 boosted the drug’s ability to kill tumor cells.

AOD-9604 helped the drug bind to the specific proteins in tumor cells, ensuring that the drug only fought the cancerous area while leaving healthy cells intact.

Medical professional administering an injection to a patient's thigh.

Recommended AOD-9604 Dosage Guidelines

You can raise the caloric burn throughout the day by following these AOD-9604 dosage guidelines:

  • Treatment Duration: You can choose to prolong the duration of the treatment cycle from 6 weeks to 6 months, depending on your need. However, it is important to take a minimum of one-week break to reset before starting another cycle.
  • Post-dose Fasting: You may fast 2-3 hours after your morning dose of AOD-9604 and check if it accelerates the fat-loss process. However, reduce the fasting duration if you feel extremely low on energy.
  • Injection Site: Inject AOD-9604 in the most fat-heavy part of the body, particularly in the abdomen. 
  • Consistent Use: Make sure to consistently use the AOD-9604 for at least 3 months before you consider stopping the treatment.
  • Start Small: Start with a slightly lower dose. Then, gradually increase the dosage to acclimatize your body to the peptide.
  • Dose Optimization when Stacking: AOD-9604 is often stacked with other peptides or supplements for synergistic effects. In that case, you will need a lower dosage of AOD-9604. For example, if you pair it with BPC-157, you will take a lower dose of AOD-9604 along with the BPC-157 peptide dosage.
Close-up of a syringe needle with a droplet at the tip, prepared for injection.

AOD-9604 Dosage Chart

Remember, there is no exact AOD-9604 dosage. The dosage depends on multiple factors, such as the peptide delivery method and the individual’s weight loss goal. 

Most of the people follow the AOD-9604 dosage chart as given below:

Administration RouteDosageNotes

250 – 350 mcg daily

Mostly administered subcutaneously (through the skin) on an empty stomach before the first meal of the day.

500 – 1000 mcg daily

Keep one (dissolvable) pill/troche in the mouth.
Nasal Spray1000 mcg/mL (1-2 sprays) dailyPress the spray canister 1-2 times in a single nostril daily.

Note: Most weight loss enthusiasts subcutaneously inject 300 mcg of AOD-9604 daily for optimum weight loss.

Dosage for AOD-9604 Injections

Subcutaneous injections are the best way to administer AOD-9604 as they ensure the highest absorption rate. The dose is injected under the skin in the stomach area, where the layers of stubborn fat exist.

You can use the AOD-9604 injections either once or twice a day as mentioned below:

  • Take 300 mcg of subcutaneous injection once a day. Morning time is most suitable, especially before cardio or 1-2 hours before breakfast.
  • Take 200-250 mcg of subcutaneous injection twice a day. You can take the first dose in the morning (before cardio or 1-2 hours before breakfast) and the second dose before night (1-3 hours after dinner).

Dosage for AOD-9604 Nasal Spray

A nasal spray is one of the easiest ways to take AOD-9604. Once you spray the peptide inside the nose, it swiftly absorbs through the nasal mucosa and enters the bloodstream. The dosage of AOD-9604 nasal spray varies from the injective or oral doses.

Here’s the way to use AOD-9604 nasal spray:

  • The recommended dosage for AOD-9604 nasal spray is 1000mcg/mL. 
  • First, blow your nose to clean it and block one nostril by pressing with the other hand. Then, spray one or two times in a single nostril. It is best to rotate the spray site. If you are spraying in one nostril one day, choose another the next day.

Dosage for AOD-9604 Pills or Tablets

Pills or lozenges or troches are kept in the mouth until they dissolve. AOD-9604 is easiest to take in the form of pills or lozenges. However, these have less bioavailability than injections or nasal sprays.

That means you will have to take higher doses of pills to achieve the optimum results. Here’s how you can take AOD-9604 pills or tablets every day:

  • Each rapid dissolve tablet (RDT) or lozenge (troche) contains 500-1000 mcg of AOD-9604.
  • Take one tablet or troche daily. The tablet will slowly dissolve and get absorbed through your mouth.
Person holding a white pill and a glass of water, preparing to take medication.

How to Take AOD-9604 Dose Safely

Let’s look at some tips to take your AOD-9604 dose safely:

Dosage Variation for AOD-9604 Injections

Here’s how the AOD-9604 injection dose varies among individuals:

  • Beginners: Start with a lower dose, i.e., 200-300 mcg per day. Then, increase the dose slowly as your body starts adjusting to it.
  • Intermediate Users: Intermediate users are recommended to take 300-450 mcg daily. They should also divide the dosage into two injections before the first and last meal.
  • Advanced Users: Advanced users already using and tolerating the AOD-9604 well may move to the higher ranges from 450-900 mcg per day.

How to Inject AOD-9604?

You will have to inject AOD-9604 (subcutaneously) under the skin. The peptide will be available in either liquid or powdered form.

  • If you get AOD-9604 in powdered form, add the bacteriostatic water and shake well to completely dissolve or reconstitute the peptide.
  • Then, place the needle into the vial and fill the syringe to the required level.

How to Calculate Dose Using AOD-9604 Dosage Calculator?

Here’s how to use the AOD-9604 dosing calculator to know the quantity of liquid you need to draw into the syringe:

  • Suppose you have a vial with a capacity of 5mg (or 5000 mcg, since 1 mg = 1000 mcg) and want to add 1 mL of bacteriostatic water. You also want 300 mcg of the AOD-9604 dose.
  • Add all three values in the dosing calculator, and it will let you know how much syringe to pull for filling your desired dosage in the syringe.

BioLongevity Labs CTA
BioLongevity Labs Mobile CTA

How to Calculate Dose Without AOD-9604 Dosage Calculator?

Here’s how to calculate the AOD-9604 dose without using a dosage calculator.

Find Concentration:

  • Suppose your vial has 5 mg (5000 mcg) of AOD-9604 capacity.
  • You want to add 2 mL of bacteriostatic water to the vial.
  • You can find the concentration by dividing 5000 by 2 as follows:
    • Calculation: 5000 ÷ 2 = 2500
  • The concentration would be 2500 mcg per mL.

Calculate the Dose:

  • Suppose you want to inject the 300 mcg dose per day.
  • To find how much liquid would provide 300 mcg of AOD-9604, divide the dose by concentration as follows:
    • Calculation: 300 ÷ 2500 = 0.12 mL
  • The amount of liquid dose you need is 0.12 mL.

Measure with the Syringe:

  • If you have a 0.5 mL syringe with 50 markings (units), each unit/marking represents 0.01 mL.
    • Calculation: 0.5 mL ÷ 50 = 0.01 mL.
  • If you want to draw a 0.12 mL dose, divide it by 1 unit volume (0.01 mL) as follows:
    • Calculation: 0.12 ÷ 0.01 = 12 units.
  • So, to fill 0.12 mL of liquid dose from the vial, pull the syringe to 12 units to get your desired AOD-9604 dosage of 300 mcg.

Remember, every individual is different. What works for one individual may not work for the other. So, it is best to consult a medical expert before starting any weight loss treatment.

Close-up of a medical professional administering an abdominal injection to a patient.

AOD-9604 Side Effects

AOD-9604 is regarded as a safe and well-tolerated peptide for humans. Although AOD-9604 is considered a safe alternative to hGH and anti-obesity drugs, it can cause a few mild and temporary side effects. 

Here are the AOD-9604 peptide side effects.

  • Slight pain and irritation at the injection point
  • Chest tightness
  • Palpitations
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Cough

It is important to consult any medical specialist before taking AOD-9604 as it may interact with any other drug or supplement you might be already taking.

Close-up of a person measuring their waist with a flexible tape measure.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Discover the answers to your most-asked questions below:

What Does AOD-9604 Do in the Body?

AOD-9604 performs 3 basic actions to contribute to your weight loss journey:

  1. Burns body fat.
  2. Reduces the fat-storing process.
  3. Reduces appetite.

How Long Does AOD-9604 Take to Work?

The duration to achieve the weight loss goal depends on genetics, metabolic rate, exercise regimen, diet, and health state of the individual. Additionally, the dose administration route and quality of the AOD-9604 peptide influence the duration of the results.

Having said that, AOD-9604 may take a few weeks to 3 months to start showing results.

What Is the Cost of AOD-9604?

The overall cost of the AOD-9604 treatment plan depends on the specific mode (oral, injections, or spay), treatment duration, required dosage, and supplier. However, an estimated range could be between $200 and $400 per month. 

Before starting any peptide therapy, make sure to have an idea about the overall cost required to sustain the treatment plan.

Conclusion – AOD-9604 Peptide Dosage

AOD-9604 can be a major factor in your weight loss journey, especially when combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet. 

However, just like one size does not fit all — the AOD-9604 dosage varies among individuals. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a medical professional and take the right dosage tailored to your needs.

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